So I’ve discovered that my game crashes (eventually) when I restart the level via my “End Game” widget. It always runs fine on the first play through but eventually and randomly, it will crash a few seconds into the match after I’ve used the “RestartLevel” console command.
The log file doesn’t really seem to have any useful info in it aside from two mentions of one of the NPCs getting stuck and being unable to move to the target destination and then something to do with my character’s skeleton (finger bones).
[2017.03.21-08.14.00:005][488]LogCharacterMovement: BP_NPC_Master6 is stuck and failed to move! Velocity: X=263.91 Y=266.52 Z=0.00 Location: X=-11934.01 Y=-8021.95 Z=270.37 Normal: X=-0.83 Y=-0.55 Z=0.00 PenetrationDepth:0.893 Actor:BP_SimpleCharacter_C_0 Component:CharacterMesh0 BoneName:WEREWOLF_-L-Finger12 (0 other events since notify)
[2017.03.21-08.15.31:456][133]LogCharacterMovement: BP_NPC_Master39 is stuck and failed to move! Velocity: X=569.93 Y=-187.55 Z=0.00 Location: X=3757.62 Y=712.68 Z=84.54 Normal: X=-0.01 Y=1.00 Z=-0.00 PenetrationDepth:37.069 Actor:BP_SimpleCharacter_C_0 Component:CharacterMesh0 BoneName:WEREWOLF_-R-Finger11 (0 other events since notify)
I doubt that this is the cause of the issue but it’s the only “Error” I can find.
I’ve also noticed a line that states “LogCrashTracker: Crashtracker disabled due to settings”. I tried searching for a guide on how to enable the LogCrashTracker but couldn’t find anything.