Consistent arithmetic function on basic types


As a suggestion to improve naming consistency:
Instead of naming the float multiplication node “ScaleRotator” and the sum of two rotators “CombineRotators”, you could give them the same naming as the vector operations have.

“While there exists a “Scale rotator” node that allows to multiply a rotator with a float, there is no way to add anything to a rotator.
No float, no int, not even another rotator.”
-That was my thoght when I pulled out from a rotator and hit the “+” key and nothing was showing up.
Ususlly the “/*-+” keys work quite well in the context menu.

I already had set up a contraption like this:

… when I found the “Combine” node by accident
So the naming could be a bit more consistent… :slight_smile:

Hello ,

I was reading over your post and I thought that this would make a good feature request. I have written up a report (UE-16906) and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. Thank you for your time and information.

Make it a great day

Yes, I have same experience. I remember some dev said that they use Combine word because it is not simple addition, it also converts rotator to quat internally. But I think that it is good to have good old “+” back, atleast you can make that Combine node show up when we write “+” into right click menu.