Connection timeout on iOS Apple review team

So we’ve been trying to get past apple review, but somehow Apple review team cannot connect to our dedicated server. Any network configurations we tested work without issue, so we asked logs from them. Seems like connection time outs and logs are as following on apple review team:
[FONT=Courier New]LogSockets: Warning: Unhandled socket error! Error Code: 316. Returning SE_EINVAL!
LogSockets: Warning: Could not serialize ///, got error code SE_EINVAL [5]
LogNet: Game client on port 7782, rate 10000
LogHandshake: Verbose: Initial handshake packet timeout - resending.
LogHandshake: Verbose: Initial handshake packet timeout - resending.
resend goes on until timeout//
So what do you think is going on, I found very little on the SE_EINVAL issue. Seems like something related to passing wrong arguments, but from where are we passing those arguments?

Check connection from IPv6-only network.