Connecting developers and game testers

Hey, everyone. From this last GDC, I’m in touch with a few sighted developers who are creating or interested in creating blind-accessible games. Once I explained to them they cannot simply close their eyes and simulate the blind gamer experience, I convinced them they should look for testers. These games are in all different stages of development, but I’d like to hear from anyone who is interested in testing them as well as what your testing/development experience and pay rate is (if we’re allowed to talk about that on this site). I know these developers will burn out if they continue to approach blind-accessibility from a far-removed and merely theoretical standpoint, and I’d like to prevent that, since I’ve seen so many good people give up on their games. Anyway, though I’m more involved with people in my local area than this site, I figured there may be some interest here.
Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks!