Connecting Attributes from actor to MPC UE5-0

I have a blueprint that sets an MPC Vector parameter to the rotational value of an actor in scene, but it only occurs after event begin play. Ideally I’d like to have the rotational value control the MPC parameter at all times, so when I rotate it in editor, the vector attribute updates automatically. Is there a means to connect these attributes together without using Blueprint Event Graph?

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Greetings @Shonuff_3D !

I see this is your first time posting in the forums! We welcome you to the Unreal Engine community! :medal_sports:

I am not an expert with Blueprint, but I had to come here and post because your username and avi are epic! The Last Dragon is a favorite classic!

We’re very excited to have you as a member. When you get a chance, check out our Community Guidelines so you can have “that glow”! :star2:

I wish you the best of luck in discovering a resolution to your blueprint question. Have an awesome day!

Thanks @ for the warm welcome, and the mutual appreciation for the most 80’s movie that ever 80’s’d. I hope I can get this figured out. Looking into construction scripts now and see if thats where a proper connection can be made. Fingers crossed that I can get that glow, you need the glow, the glow to grow.

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Another way to put this I think is does UE have something comparable to Maya’s Connection Editor?