I’m trying to get this effect that i’ve animated in Maya to be done in Unreal. Basically have sequenced or bone animated objects in a scene moving and would like to link them together with a spline, preferably with a bend effect where the spline meets the object. Then have a material effect like laser moving along the spline (scrolling uv material?)
Any ideas how could do something like this, have looked around youtube and found nothing.
Thanks in advance
Yes thats the sort of thing (i fixed the video btw) but would have about 10 objects moving around and would like to be able to connect them. I did get something working using the Cable actor but something like that video looks more like it.
That’s the most mundane implementation, it would need to be thoroughly fleshed out to achieve what you need. I’d start by creating a Spline Mesh Component actor that can take the components it needs to connect as input.