Connect Widget-Button-Visability to Device Event in UEFN

Hey Guys,

I created a Widget-Blueprint with multiple Buttons. The Widget-Blueprints shows up with a Pop-Up-Device. Now i want, that every button is hidden at first, but appears when a Power-Up-Device is picked up. Anyway to connect the “on pickup”-Event to the Button visability ? Remember i want to do this in UEFN and as i know there is no Event dispatchers. Also im basically doesnt know anything about Verse and every tutorial i saw, needs me to create those widgets in Verse. But i just want to change the visability and not create every widget in verse, but in the Widget-blueprint.
Appreciate any help.


You could animate a Material Parameter Collection value in a sequencer, if the buttons should appear for everyone it will be a simple shared sequencer, otherwise you’ll need to use an instigated sequencer device pool

You’ll also need to change the response to those buttons, since they would only be hidden but still interactible, I’m not sure if the selection overlay would stay, maybe it’s a bad choice then, you can grey out the buttons instead of hiding them