Connect Variable from Character to another Blueprint

Hello Everyone!
I’m trying to create a variable on my character to use it and change the Radius Value of GetRandomPointInNavigableRadius from the editor. I created a variable called WalkRadius on my NPC Character, made it Instance Editable but is not working. Am I doing it wrong? Can someone help?
Thank you.

Do you mean that the WalkRadius parameter / variable doesn’t appear in the Details Panel when you select your character?

Or that the entire function doesn’t work?

Neither. I want to change the Radius value of GetRandomPointInNavigableRadius using WalkRadius variable that is in the NPC. But the way I’m doing it doesn’t do anything, the NPC doesn’t walk at all. The variable still shows in the Details Panel but doesn’t matter the value I put in it the NPC just doesn’t move. It doesn’t show any errors neither so I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.