Connect to main server?

Hello, I’m trying to make my project just to connect to Main server (Which is my server)
I don’t want clients to create servers.
So what i wanna do is : Button in main menu Called “Login” if you click on it You’ll join Main server.
Maybe join through website link to get the main server ip?

Or how to do that, is that possible, please help and make blueprint tutorial for that.

tutorial about it:

Thank you for the tutorial appreciate that, But i think this just searching result when you press join and then join which found result.
I want when i press join it will connect directly to ip for example : connecting to if fail show msg box server offline. without searching for results.
Because if someone created server by anyway my project will connect them to any server was found.

did you got what i mean? I hope this will be in Unreal Engine.

After making session, try “open”, instead “open level” then joining.

Thank you so much i’ll follow the tutorial and i’ll see if i can do it, But which node or command to open the ip? should i just type open ip? Sorry for the newbie question.
Can you show me the commands it will be helpful

Follow tutorial first. There is everything explained in tutorial. Watch for node “Execute Command” and try “open” instead of “open level”.
This node: ExecuteConsoleCommand