Connect targets

Hello everyone!

I have problem with connect this kinds of targets:

Please help me :frowning:

You are supplying an actor when the node wants a component. The two easiest alternatives:

  • Use GetComponentByClass to find the StaticMeshComponent or whatever your actor uses. I do not know what happens if the actor got more than one of the selected component.
  • Cast the actor to a more specific class, then directly “get” the component you want.

If the types of objects that will enter and be affected by the volume are diverse, I would look into giving them an interface, and call an interface function when the volume is triggered.

One more thing… Lots of beginners tutorials use the level blueprint for things that should really be in a separate actor. My guess is that this trigger would work better as a component of an actor. You can then put the blueprint code on that actor. You now have a blueprint actor that you can put in any level in any number of copies without needing to redo any of the blueprint work.

Thank you for good answer!