Connect actors by dragging like two dots game

I’m trying to make connecting actors feature, but it is difficult to accomplish it.
What I am thinking to make is like two dots game. There are some actors, and user can drag to draw lines between actors.
I looked up draw line and draw lines but these are not for actors.
Are there way to accomplish this feature? I’d appreciate it if you provide some articles or blueprint etc

Why not? They can draw lines between world coordinates in screen space. Or do you want a 3d line? This is what draw lines does with actors:

Close to what you need? Or not at all? Perhaps you could post an example?

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Thank you for the response.
What I wanna do is something like this.
User can draw lines by swiping between dots.

In the example video, which function do you use? What I searched is Draw Line. This is for HUD, so not for actors

HUD’s draw lines can draw lines between actors, as seen in the video. The same goes for widgets’ onPaint. But these are screen-space lines that will always appear on top of geometry.

For a 3d line, you could use:

  • spline + spline mesh component
  • niagara ribbon particle
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