Connect Actor object referent and Pawn object reference

I have some problem with possessing spawned actors.
Basically in the game the character can pick up items that allows him to spawn an other character and swap place with him, the character depends on which order we pick up the items, for example: If I first pick up Item1 and after Item2 then press the button 1 spawn and possess character 1, and button 2 spawn character 2. If I pick up Item 2 first then the button1 will spawn the character2…
I have made an array for the items and the characters and it works fine, and spawn the right character but not possess. When i tried to connect the pawn nod on the Possess blueprint with the Return value of the SpawnActor it says that : Pawn object reference is not compatible with Actor object reference. I understand what it says but I can’t fix it.
My question is how can I connect them and make them work.

When I not connect the array with the spawn actor just simple choose the actor then it works, but then it not depends on the pick up order just simple spawn the choosen actor.

I typed a load of ( nearly ) rubbish there.

Something like this

If it can be cast to a pawn, the possess it, otherwise do something else.

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