Confusion of the market place policy

Since I uploaded a music asset, they requested me to change something, but I have no idea what they really want. This is what they say:

“Edit the Project File Link of your pre-existing Project Version in the Product Files section with a link to download the most up-to-date version of your project folder that takes the aforementioned concerns into account”

Yes, I definitely uploaded the most-to-date version and added the link. What I guess is that I named my asset as “Loop” and it causes the entire process. Most platforms do not allow the loops which made of the samples. All my songs were created by me without the samples and I just named it “Loop” for the marketing sake.
However, they probably considered it as a “Loop” and it was the first reason that the trouble began. I guess the first step ruins everything.

I’ve been talking to the CS since the end of Sep and it’s still going on as they just repeat the same answer over and over even though I changed what they asked.
Does anybody have the same experience with it? Is there any solution? If there is no solution, I’ll just drop it. Too much wasting time.