Conflicting entries in engine

Hello !

This is not an high priority report, but it’s always there :

UnrealPak: Localization Resource: (F:/Programmes/Epic Games/4.10Sources/Engine/Content/Localization/Engine/en/Engine.locres) Source String Hash: (-1784266839) Localized String: (The release version which this DLC / Patch / Next release is based on.)
UnrealPak: LogTextLocalizationManager:Warning: Loaded localization resources contain conflicting entries for (Namespace:SProjectLauncherCookByTheBookSettings, Key:BasedOnReleaseVersionTextBoxTooltip):
UnrealPak: Localization Resource: (F:/Programmes/Epic Games/4.10Sources/Engine/Content/Localization/Engine/en/Engine.locres) Source String Hash: (2497459) Localized String: (Release version to base the next release / DLC / patch on.)
UnrealPak: Localization Resource: (F:/Programmes/Epic Games/4.10Sources/Engine/Content/Localization/Engine/en/Engine.locres) Source String Hash: (-1784266839) Localized String: (The release version which this DLC / Patch / Next release is based on.)
UnrealPak: LogTextLocalizationManager:Warning: Loaded localization resources contain conflicting entries for (Namespace:SProjectLauncherCookByTheBookSettings, Key:BasedOnReleaseVersionTextBoxTooltip):
UnrealPak: Localization Resource: (F:/Programmes/Epic Games/4.10Sources/Engine/Content/Localization/Engine/en/Engine.locres) Source String Hash: (2497459) Localized String: (Release version to base the next release / DLC / patch on.)

PoEdit gives :


Have a nice day !


Thanks for noticing this within the engine. Could you provide me with the exact reproduction steps in order to achieve these logs within the editor so I can pass it along?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

I’m using the Unreal Frontend (launched from unreal engine) to cook and package the project.
It happens in the “cook content” phase, even in a blank project. it’s just a warning and the cooker keep cooking.

Thanks !

So I set up UFE to package and cook the project in both 4.10.4 and 4.11.0 preview 7. Neither of the logs I obtained from this successful process provided me with same warnings/messages that you provided. Did you set your UFE up a specific way?

Sorry I didn’t saw the comment …

It’s UE 4.10 built from GitHub sources, with VS 2015 community.
In UFE : build game checked, cook game by the book, use pak file but no chunk files, package and store locally, do not deploy. No command lines from bat or anything else.

I can post a screenshot of the config if you want.

Have a nice day !

Please upload the screenshots to ensure I’ve set my UFE up exactly as yours is.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Here they are :

It happened before enabling localization dashboard.

I’ve went through this in both Binary and Source versions of the editor. I have yet to be able to find these error messages. With that being said, I believe that this issue may have been fixed in 4.11. Please let us know if you notice it popping up once 4.11.0 is released.

Thank you!