Configuring a curved screen with 4 projectors: how to?

I’m trying to configure a scene in nDisplay editor.

I’ve got 4 projectors (usual one’s without automatic calibration capabilities) and a curved screen (I’ve got the PFMs and PNGs for it, it’s kind of a semi-dome screen). Also I’ve got a main PC connected to a normal (flat) display (that is supposed to be a control point). I’m using a MPCDI policy with Explicit PFM (UE 5.3.1). Is MPCDI policy is best for my case? Or it’s better to go with the mesh policy?

I’ve got the previews on my output, but can’t get how to properly position the “screens” that are generated by the viewports. Is there any guide or best practices on how to do it right?
I’m attaching a screenshot with my current scene.

Any help is highly appreciated.

Just in case somebody’s curious. I had to give up, with my existing setup (PNGs and PFMs) and stick to the VIOSO’s solution. It also had some issues, but finally it worked for me.

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