Configuration Pixel Streaming for two and more instances unreal application on one computer

Good day. Anybody know how setup two game application on one computer for one adress in local network?

Good news, I do it for internet and two instances unreal game.

Who are you using to deploy the windows instance? AWS or Azure or ? Did you need to use a TURN or STUN server.

Hi there!! I am very interested in knowing how did you manage to implement two instances on the Web. Is it possible for me to test on LAN or will the multiple instance thing work only across the web? I would be very keen to know please…

Thanks and regards,

Acclivous Tech (P) Ltd

Good day, i use private server on Windows Server. Yes, i use public STUN and TURN for conncetion. Set up Signaling Web on private server and set up --peerConncetionOptions, you need to use STUN/TURN together.

Hi, i use two signaling on my server and not forget GeForce allow only two stream from video card.

I’m using a Windows Azure NV6 instance for the signaling server. Using Twilio for the STUN/TURN host. I’ve followed their guide as best I could but there is no usage showing in the billing…

Did you modify the cirrus.js file at all? Or just the config.json

Current peerConnectionOptions output

    "UseFrontend": false,
    "UseMatchmaker": false,
    "UseHTTPS": false,
    "UseAuthentication": false,
    "LogToFile": true,
    "HomepageFile": "player.htm",
    "AdditionalRoutes": {},
    "publicIp": "<MY_PUBLIC_IP>",
    "peerConnectionOptions": "{\"account_sid\":\"<MY_TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID>\",\"password\":\"5SR2x8mZK1lTFJW3NVgLGw6UM9C0dja4jI/Hdw3xr+w=\",\"username\":\"cda92e5006c7810494639fc466ecc80182cef8183fdf400f84c4126f3b59d0bb\",\"ttl\":\"86400\",\"iceServers\":{\"urls\":\"stun:global.stun:3478?transport=udp\",\"turn:global.turn:3478?transport=udp\"],\"username\":\"cda92e5006c7810494639fc466ecc80182cef8183fdf400f84c4126f3b59d0bb\",\"credential\":\"5SR2x8mZK1lTFJW3NVgLGw6UM9C0dja4jI/Hdw3xr+w=\"}]}"

This is the webRTC

Any more leads you can provide? You’re just using the public stun/turn

No i’m not modify cirrus. Command for start Cirrus: run.bat --publicIP <public adress Signaling server> --PeerConnectionOptions “{“iceServers”:{“urls”:“stun: <STUN server>”,“turn: <TURN server>”],“username”:”<TURN_Username>",“credential”:"<TURN_Password>"}]}"
WebRTC: WebRTCProxy_x64_Development.exe -Cirrus=<publicIp>:<proxyPort>

WebRTC i start on my own computer with instance, because i try set up WebRTC on server and in result i get crash app in proxy.h

And yes i try public STUN/TURN

ok. I think there is some more ironing out to do before someone will post a video tutorial on it. I can’t keep track of how many servers you need for this. lol

I mean, it’s not going to be a secret for very long on how to implement but I do appreciate the tips. I’ll look over the docs in the next coming weeks. A full Azure or AWS setup would be nice.

u will need match maker to do it. but there is a bug in js of matchmaker which will keep u away to achevee that. i have submitted the fix long ago but epic did not do anything about it.
i guess for experimental feature they dont care pull request.

so u have to wait

Hi Muza, can you share this fix? or how to actually make multiple instances?