Configuration .ini files for Linux build

Hi. I am packaging a game to Linux build (from Windows). The packing process is a mess ,but I posted a related question already. Here I would like to ask what happens with .ini files for Linux build? I see that Saved/Config/ dir contains only Windows folder with all the config files. The linux build doesn’t generate one.
What does it mean? Should I just use those files from Windows dir, or Linux packaged game doesn’t use .ini files at all?

The packaged game for sure uses the .ini files, I think they get created on the first launch and not sure where the defaults are going to be taken from. There are couple locations <ProjectName>/Config has some defaults and `Engine/Config’ has some more…at least for me.

It would be really nice to understand the deployment rules regarding these files on Linux. On windows I see the packager puts everything needed into the build dir.It doesn’t happen for Linux build.

For me I found them in “$HOME/.config/Epic/<your project>/Saved/Config/Linux”