Condition button not taking gold when activated by Pulse trigger

Hello All,

I need some help please.

I have a score manager that counts every when a specific trigger is activate. this then sends a signal to the evaluate device which then sends a signal to a capture area device which then sends a signal to a puls trigger that sends a signal to a conditional button which requires 10 gold. Every time the pulse trigger activates the condition button it doesn’t take the gold from my inventory. Lastly i am trying to make a walk over trigger that you can see on the ground with a glow that requires 10 gold to activate. Once activated a prop will show. Sort of like the tycoon maps that people create.

Hey PinnacleXP,

I don’t really know, but it seems like one of those steps is not passing along the instigating player.

Maybe a troubleshoot would be to copy the sequence a few times, each time putting the conditional button at a different step to see where the system breaks downs.