I’ve upgraded from 4.19 to 4.24 and for some reason concurrency no longer works, I have a simple set up where a looping sound cue is played then afterwards another sound is played that stops the looping sound, this works fine on 4.19 but on 4.24 the loop sounds starts playing again after the 2nd sound is finished, I can see that Epic have changed concurrency between 4.19 and 4.24 but I haven’t had much luck fixing the issue, anyone else come across this? Set up below, thanks.
I’ve found a work around instead of using the loop on the wave player, if you use a loop node and set a loop count it works as normal, seems like a bug with concurrency and sounds that are set to loop indefinitely.
So I’v come back to this after a few months because I noticed that “looping by x amount” doesn’t give you a clean loop, I have finally fixed the original issue, in the sound cue settings under “Voice Management” there is an option called “Virtualization” by default it is set to “restart” switch it to “Disabled” and this fixes the issue of the sound cue restarts after being stopped.
Apologies in advance for this small rant I know it will most likely not be read but I’m getting bloody sick of Epic changing things like this, this must be the at least the 4th time I’v had to spend so much time trying to fix something that ends up being just a value that’s been changed somewhere by epic, please stop this! A few years ago you changed the default option for “cook all maps” from 1 to 0 and I spent at least 4 days trying to fix the issue of my levels not loading!
I understand why these changes are made but please let devs know that it can cause these issues when updating to newer versions of the engine.