Concept Artist / Illustrator

Paid work only. No Royalty based offers or “Promise to pay later” offers please.

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open for work

Rock test

new illustrations

I have just finished a contract and now have enough hours to work 30 hours a week on contract.
Portfolio at

Admiral Verlize concept. I will work more on her character.

Bird warrior!

Old client work: Cyberpunk style

I’m available for 30 hours a week. Just finished a game art contract. If you want to see the art, click my signature for the portfolio its there.
Title leap of fate. I wasn’t responsible for art direction just illustration so if the designs look off don’t shoot me lol wasn’t my decision.

Maelstrom Saga art, if you need a concept artist or illustrator contact me with the info provided on the first post.

Available for freelance or commissions

Incredible artist. Just got some concept art from him and I would seriously recommend him.

Great value for money as well as an amazing amount of talent.

Thanks it was a pleasure working on your character

I wanted to showcase my style of cartoon art. This what I draw naturally for cartoon type characters.

Nice stuff, keep it up! :slight_smile:

Thanks lol and that Eddie Murphy, haven’t watched anything from him in a while

No worries, that is some nice work.

Here’s an 8 foot tall banner I made for the game Leap of Fate. This was printed and displayed at Montreal Comic Con - see pics below

Comedy image

Available for 30 hours a week. If you need me on your project let me know via email.