Conan Exiles: Get Random Point In Navigable Radius giving me max values as X,Y,Z

The origin input is a valid location, I double checked this before posting. However the output of the node is giving me max values for x, y, z instead of a random point in my 5 radius.

The following is my world outline


Is there something I’m missing to make the Navigable Radius part work ? This felt like a pretty straightforward node. I’m modding in the Conan Exiles Dev Kit if this gives any reference to what I’m doing

Thanks in advance

I just learned the following

“you can’t use the “Get Random Point In Navigable Radius” due to the way CE handles its navigation data, the game only generates navigation data around actors that have an active NavigationInvoker (which the players don’t).”

So I need a need another way to find a random spot near the player to spawn something there.