Computing closest guides and weights error. Stuck at 95%

I reccently had someon make shaders for a animal fur in Unreal. WHen I try and load the project it gets stuck at 95% saying “Computing closests guids and weights” It only happens when i try and open that project. Other projects open fine.

I have a RTX 3060 with 8GB dedicated GPU Ram and an addition 64GB of onboard Ram

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I’m having the same Issue here! i don’t know what to do

were you able to find a solution ?

I have this problem with a project too. Would be great to have some guide to fix

Hi There, I suddenly had the same issue here, but it continued loading after a while. Somehow after shader compiling it needs to compile lots of other stuff too. Compiling blueprints , Building groom data… etc. Everything takes more time then usual.

What could have happend with the project?