

I take 38 images with 38 cameras. The cameras have the same parameters but when I allign CR create diferent components with any images. My question is why? My cameras is fixed 360º with the same parameters but i have one component with 10-15 images and the other components have 5-6 images. The compopnent with 10 images is good but the other components have other scale and other orientation. I want my images in the same component with all my images. Have any solution?

Thank you

Hi Rodrigo
Are that 360 images ( panoramas ) ? Can you send them to me for inspection ?

Wishgranter wrote:

Hi Rodrigo García

Are that 360 images ? ( panos ) Can you send it for inspection ?

Hi wishgranter!!

Yes I send my images. The ISO is 100 and the parameters is the same in all cameras. I look work the xmp but the information not understand the workflow. My images is raw and I don´t know the worflow is diferent.
Thank you!!!AnmhLjnBamXOhCDQLe-mYYufegLz