Component spawning at center location of map, always.

I added a radial force component, attached it to the root component. But every time i drag the actor onto the scene, that radial component is always at the center location of the map. Then it makes that an offset and moves during play with that offset instead of it following the root component. Pics attached. In first 2 pictures, i dragged the actor to different positions on the scenes but the radial component, cyan sphere thing, is always in the center. I made sure that the collisioncomp is the root component. In third picture, the blueprint viewport shows that it doesnt have an offset. Please help. Thanks!

So i found out that it works fine if i add the component on the base class. If its on the derived class it has that behaviour. Any thoughts? Suggestions?? I would like to have this working on the derived class

Call Super on your constructor?

So… the problem went away on its own. Everything is the same, and i didn’t call super on my constructor.


Restarting my editor did it for me. Hope it helps you guys.