Component does not show in details after AttachToComponent(), but is rendering in the scene

Hi there! This problem has bothered me for a while and really hopes somebody can help. Thanks in advace!

In a member function of my own extended spline mesh component class, I want to construct a StaticMeshComponent and attach it to this spline mesh component (generally wouldn’t be the root component).

The snippet pseudo code would look something like this:

class USplineMeshComponent
void MyFunc()
UStaticMeshComponent* NewMeshComp = NewObject(this->GetOwner());
NewMeshComp->AttachToComponent(this, FAttachmentTransformRules::KeepRelativeTransform);

The mysterious part is that the added component can render correctly, except that it won’t show up in the details panel if click on the actor. GetChildrenComponents() also returns the expected result which shows I do have added the component to SplineMeshComponent successfully.

Is there some part I’m missing for this to bring up correctly in the detail component hierarchy?