I have a Character Blueprint which is ultimately derived from the Character native class. Previously I was able to edit the native mesh component in the blueprint component tab. After upgrading to 4.3 the details tab is blank - I have no access to all the Mesh and CharacterMovement defaults!
If I create a new dummy Blueprint with the same parent I do have access to details again!
I can see some (all?) of the missing defaults in the ‘Defaults’ tab for the blueprint, so all is not lost. This is very much an annoying bug though, the components view is more convenient when it works.
This is actually a bug report not a question - I wish I could move it to the Bug Report section.
This happened to me when I had to change the class of a component within the blueprint. I changed the class in C++, recompiled and loaded it up, and my blueprint extended version of the class had this problem on the component that I had touched. If I created a different blueprint extended version of the class, I was able to edit the details.
I just noticed that the bp is inherent from other bp class.
this issue only happen when you.
use components created in parent bp and try to change them in child bp.
i overcome the same issue by creating components in c++ and parent to my highest class bp so i can modify in child.
I tested this and it happens with static and skeletal meshes.
Create character blueprint BP_Char. Add static mesh component /skeletal mesh component from the component tab.
Create new blueprint from BP_Char. Try to assign the components from the components tab.
Thank you for your information. I am happy to hear that you have found a workaround for this issue. Could you please tell me how I could go about reproducing this issue in a clean project? This would be very helpful so that I could check to make sure that this has been fixed in later versions of the engine.
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
This is definitely a bug. It happened to me too, the only thing I could do to get the ‘Details’ tab to show my component’s properties was to delete the blueprint and re-create it.