Component Created in C++ is destroyed before BeginPlay

Following this tutorial, I am adding the Gameplay Abilities System to my game.

I add the UAbilitySystemComponent to the AAbilityCharacter class in the header like so:

/// Interface to the gameplay ability system
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess), Category = Abilities)
UAbilitySystemComponent* AbilitySystem;

And create the component in the constructor like so:

// Component which we use to interface to the ability system
AbilitySystem = CreateDefaultSubobject<UAbilitySystemComponent>(TEXT("Ability System"));

However, by logging from SetupPlayerInputComponent and BeginPlay, it seems that the component no longer exists!

LogTemp: Display: Ability System Missing in SetupPlayerInputComponent
LogTemp: Display: Ability System Missing in BeginPlay

This was previously causing crashes when I tried to bind the ability system to PlayerInput.

The AbilitySystem shows up as an inherited component when I open the derived blueprint class in the editor:


But it does not have any properties that I can edit:


But when the AbilitySystem is added with the “New Component” button it’s details pane looks like so:


I am at my wits end trying to solve this issue. I am using the Advanced Locomotion Plugin but I re-parented it to my C++ class. However, when I reparent the final blueprint class I am using to the AAbilityCharacter the problem persists. It also appears to extend to any non SceneComponent I create, and I have not tired to replicate this issue with a SceneComponent.

What could have caused this? I have tried a variety of approaches to track down the problem, but I can’t even figure out exactly where in the life-cycle the component is deleted except that it’s before SetupPlayerInputComponent

Changing the name of the component variable fixed the issue somehow, but I would still like to know why!

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God is Great! This fixed the problem, I commend you for letting the rest of us know of this absolutely strange behavior.

I admittedly spent more than 10 hours trying to figure this out.

My original PlayerState had this:

class UHarbAbilitySystemComponent* AbilitySystemComponent;

I renamed it to:

class UHarbAbilitySystemComponent* GameplayAbilitySystemComponent;

And my breakpoints now show that the component is in fact not Null anymore.

Upvoted answer


I’m curious, what made you even try to change the variable name? That’s where I’d least expect to cause the bug… a variable name?

Holy ■■■■… I have been having this problem for days… the exact same thing. I changed the name to what you did… Copy past from this post and bam… it works. I would have never figured this out without you.

Thank you!

Thanks for the answer! I just had this same issue in 4.26.2 and this resolved it.

Happened to me too, 4.26.2. Had to rename a spring arm component to get it working again.

It is not an issue of GAS, it’s a common UE issue thay are too busy messing with Nanites and other **** to fix


I’ve had this exact same problem. Renaming the component variable name does fix the issue, but I find it’s only temporary. If I continue making changes to the surrounding code, it tends to eventually crop up again.

I just dragged the component to the graph, and reset it to default value, it worked for me.

I thought I was going insane, I’m so glad I found this thread, thank you guys!

Thank you for your sacrifice. You just saved me over 10 hours of head banging :slight_smile: as a quick sidenote, it appears that the only forbiden name might be ‘AbilitySystemComponent’. I changed mine to ‘CharacterASC’ and it still works. Bless you good man <3