Component Box Collision do not working correct

I created a simple box collision in my blueprint so that when the character passes through it, a light turns on, everything works, but when the character passes through the box, he goes up, as if there was a collider inside the box collision.

Is the box’s collision preset set to overlap all? If it has custom collision, have it’s trace channels set to ignore.

Thank you very much for answering my question, about what you asked me, yes I enabled overlapping…but I think I’m still doing something wrong, follow my settings which are in the box.
Thank you very much in advance

It could be a number of things, I would start with visualizing the collisions or looking at the IK setup. Let’s start with some debugging of the collision.

Get into that same position in the pic. Eject from the game by pressing F8. In the top left where it says, “Perspective” “Lit” and “Show”, click Lit and select “Player Collision”

Is there a collision inside your box collision (a green, pink, or violet shape)? Can you click on it and see what it is in the outliner?

Note: Holding 'CTRL + Alt` while hovering over “Player Collision” selection will show the color legend.

Collisions can be changed on static meshes by finding the asset in the content drawer and opening it. Near the top left is a Collision drop down. Click it, and select remove.

Let me know what you find

The character foot ik system is probably tracing against the box, making the foot see it as a step.

Try changing the visiblity trace channel in the collision from block to overlap.

I managed to resolve the bug, which in reality wasn’t a bug but rather me being a beginner…
I changed the collision settings to Query Only Physics Collision and everything came to work perfectly…
Thank you very much to everyone who dedicated their precious time to help me.

A big hug

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