Component being attached wrong on child


So I’ve been moving my BP game to C++, quite slowly but steady.
I’m adding a component (decal) to my AMyCharacter as follows:
Which is pretty much EXACTLY how the ACharacter (parent) does it for the Mesh/CapsuleComponent/Arrow:


UPROPERTY(Category = Character, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
UDecalComponent * HighlightDecal; 


HighlightDecal = CreateDefaultSubobject<UDecalComponent>(TEXT("HighlightDecal")); 
	if (HighlightDecal) 
HighlightDecal->SetupAttachment( RootComponent );

… I’ve also tried using GetRootComponent() and even the capsulecomponent itself.
So after compiling everything is fine

My BaseCharacter BP (which is a child of the AMyCharacter) does show the component correctly as the image:


However, when I go to my child (PlayerCharacter) which his parent is BaseCharacter, it seems to be duplicating or using a nonexisting CapsuleComponent? See image


No, I dont have “another” capsule component. And no, my BaseCharacter does not have an extra capsule component.

I already deleted my intermadiate/save/binary/ALL folders and the issue persists. This is getting ridiculous by now

Where is the UE4 team support?

working on releasing UE6, the game of versioning is overloaded. ;D