Hello everyone,
This is my first time posting in this forum. I have an issue with the engine when it starts. It can’t seem to save the audio capture component when I add it from the +Add button, after I save and reopen the project. And the same goes for the AzSpeechEngineSubsystem from the plugin AzSpeech in marketplace. I right click and add it in the ThirdPersonBP and when i save and reopen it. I can’t seem to add the AzSpeechSubsystem in the ThirdPersonBP without loosing its class after reopening it.
Here some before and after screenshots. Please help.
Before reopening the blueprint
After reopening the blueprint
Before reopening the blueprint
After reopening the blueprint
I believe that i screwed up something while deleting files. But I can’t know for sure, everything else works as intented, i added an audio component and it doesn’t have any issue be consistently in the ThirdPersonBP