what kind of dataset are you using? How are the GCPs placed? Are they in correct coordinate system? How does look 1Ds view? Do you have set the control points as Ground Control?
Can you try set Camera priors for georeferencing to No in Alignment settings?
what kind of dataset are you using? How are the GCPs placed? Are they in correct coordinate system? How does look 1Ds view? Do you have set the control points as Ground Control?
Can you try set Camera priors for georeferencing to No in Alignment settings?
I’m using photos taken with DJI AIR2S. The GCP have been taken with Leica GNSS, imported as GCP and placed in the point cloud.
Both the project’s coordinate system imput, output and both GCP are in the correct coordinate system which is WGS84.
Furthermore when i rendered an orthophoto this one is scaled properly (when i take a measure, from the tab “ORTHO”, it’s right) and yes, i tried every possibile combination in the output window.
Changing the camera prior as you suggest didn’t help me out.
Rationally the only differences between the two alignment are the “absolute pose” of the cameras and the placed GCP’s
Hi, I can see that some of your GCPs have quite big errors (like 19 or 15). These values shouldn’t be so big. Also, I would place them on more images than 4 or 5 (like over 10)
Just one of the orthos is scaled properly? How does look map view? Are these images and GCPs on correct position? Is the ortho georeferenced good?