Hey guys,
just trying to figure out UE5 for me. Im using 5.44 on windows 10 64-bit, and blender 4.0.
I have a hole set of problems when trying to import the meshs i’m currenly working on as .fbx (error messages, shading problem, so on). When using the USD-Stage (and importing from it) i mostly have none of these. Naturally i want to use USD, but there is a severe problem i’m facing.
I can add a simple collision an it’ll work fine, but using complex collisions (and i need need them for my meshs, at least for testing purposes) there just won’t be any collision.
Here’s what i did. Export Meshs as .usd.; Load .usd up; click on one of the meshs. In the details tab i select my static mesh (in this case “plane_0”, which should make up my floor (I*m not clicking on instance but on it’s child)). There i search for collision, i leave everything as it is
(sim. gen. hit. ev = off; Phys mat. = none; Gen. overl. ev. = off; Char. step on = Yes; Coll. def. = Default (turning to “BlockAll” doesn’t change anything), advanced = all unticked)
except for collision default turning to default or block all.
Then i go to the editor dfor the static mesh, search for coll and leavy everything as is, except for coll. def. = BlockAll and change coll. compl. to “use complex collision as simple”.
This approach works for .fbx for me and this problem repeats to new, untainted projects.
It quite an disappointing problem, and if you could help me out, i’d be very grateful.
PS: Also, when i’, updating my usd, the UE5 doesnt remeber the collisions, and i’ll have to reasing this everys time. What’s causing this?