Complex Collision does not Trigger Overlap Event when Idle

I’m currently designing a boss that hits the ground, and spawns multiple rings (Static meshes) that expand outward and damage the player when they overlap. The rings use complex as simple collision geometry, and are only meant to damage the player when they touch the red part.

However, I noticed that they do not damage the player when they are standing still (including if they are turning). When the player is in motion, they do take damage when the rings collide with them.

When the collision is set to “use simple” the player takes damage while standing still, however simple collision includes the center of the rings, which I do not want.

Is there are a reason why complex isn’t overlapping stationary objects (I.E. The player)?

This is just a hunch but try playing with the the “CCD” setting on either the rings or the player or both.

Alternatively you could generate some simple convex collision for the rings in the mesh editor. If you set all the hull settings to max, I think you will get a usable collision out of it.

While CCD didn’t work, setting it to use simple and then setting the hull settings to max works. (Although is created a “simple” collision mesh that’s higher poly than the actual mesh.) Thanks for your help.

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No problem :slight_smile:

Maybe you don’t need to use max setting to get the accuracy you need.

Also, if you really want to be efficient, the best way to do it is probably to calculate whether the player is in the radius or not instead of using collision and overlaps.