Complex Collision as simple is not working in 4.13

Like the title says Complex Collision as simple is not working in 4.13.
tested the same model in 4.12 and there the collision works flawless when i set it to complex as simple.

When i migrate the mesh with complex as simple set in 4.12 it works in 4.13 aswell.

Check the mesh settings and make sure the “Enable Collisions” is turned on under the materials in the LOD section.

Thank you it works!

Glad I could help.

thanks! really strange this is turned off by default

Where is this enable collision option? Its not in the materials in the LOD section. Only thing I have there is this

If anyone’s looking for a solution in 4.25, in your Static Mesh’s Details pane, go to General Settings > LOD for Collision and set it to 0. Mine was set to 3 for the mesh I was using, which was not complex enough.