I followed this youtube tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7q4Ans3mPk), everything worked regarding sound and interactability but the static mesh of the drawers don’t move according to world location, they don’t move at all. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Everything works according to the video except the drawers moving the specified distance.
send some screenshot of your bp drawer and double check it set to Movable (not static), also check for any Output Log.
I tried to find it but I forgot I deleted it out of frustration; it gets really discouraging.
But I decided to try a door and the same thing, no movement.
Here are my nodes for my movable mesh for a door
I am guessing that default value of doorClosed is false.
Have you tried to reconnect calls from Play to Play from start (same for reverese) just to test it out if it works at all?
Also, making check on tick() is not good idea… It would be better just to toggle that property on key press.
Im so sorry you may be giving the proper solution but I am learning off of videos, so I don’t know what part you’re telling me to fix
Hi, would you mind sharing your door_rotation Timeline?
Thank you! I found another video and it showed something similar to this so I tried both and it opens! Ok now to try to translate this into interactable doors and drawers, it’s what originally drove me insane. Im trying to make a game where certain doors are openable thru interation and some drawers can be searched. The line vectors have proven to be difficult, how can I make openable drawers using something similar to this?