Compiling your game once its finished and publishing it into an .exe file ...

Anyone, is there a good video tutorial on once you finished your game and you want to compile + publish it into a standalone
In other words create the actual .exe file.
There are great ones on U.D.K. on You Tube but I dont see anything on Unreal 4.
I did read the Wiki and it seems really simple.
You just select your platform and check for distribution / shipping.
However does the other party who will be receiving the game need to have U4 already installed to run the .exe?
That part is not explained.
So they just double click on the .exe and prerequisites will be installed before the game launches?
Not explained in too much detail.
Thank you.

The process is called Packageing so search by this keyword. It does not require engine as EXE it self is a engine the rest of code is in module dlls, including your module with your cod . UE4 game requires Visual C++ runtime, but not sure which version. Best will be inf you run some tests on other non-UE4 computer

Thank you . Great to know. Improvement over UDK I see. :slight_smile:
Yeah I just packaged a FPS blueprint after dragging a few objects into it from the library.
I selected for shipping and Windows 64.
Seems to work fine.
Still get that UDK error in red top left of screen that “lighting needs to be rebuild”
I assume its just because I packaged a “raw blueprint” and didn’t really work on it.
I saved the folder with .exe onto my brother’s 64 bit Windows machine and yeah I do get a prompt that
it needs to install Visual C++.
It does run very slow and sluggish on my machine though.
I assume its just because I didn’t follow all the steps as I should if I were to package a real game.
But great, looks like the whole frontend thing from UDK is no longer needed.