Compiling unreal engine from source code

I have tried numerous times but cannot but I always get errors while building unreal engine from its source code. I asked a question about it here Cannot build UE 5.2 from Soure but its been a long time so I started this discussion. But basically I want to build it from source to learn multiplayer programming and have dedicated servers ( Setting Up Dedicated Servers in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation ). Can someone help me here please. I cannot find any useful information on this and it takes really long to build the engine even till the error so I cannot keep on trying it.

I also cant success ,I have compile 3 times for it but the problem exited ,Severity Code Description Item File Line Suppressed Status
Error D8022 Cannot open “…\Plugins\MovieScene\CustomizableSequencerTracks\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\CustomizableSequencerTracksEditor\Module.CustomizableSequencerTracksEditor.cpp.obj.response” UE5 G:\Unre alEngine-5.2.1-release\ UnrealEngine-release\Engine\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\cl 1,