So the company I work for is a Church ministry. About 6-7 years ago they created a unreal engine game. It was ported to Android and IOS devices back in 2018, last updated in 2020. Has not been updated since then. It’s so outdated that Google removed it from the play store.
I was handed the task of getting the game back on the Store page.
The version of the Engine it was written in is 4.19
I’m assuming Visual Studio install is required.
When I try to launch the project to my Android Phone (Pixel 4) I get this message issue with the variables ‘DefaultBuildSettings’, BuildSettingsVersion, IncludeOrderVersion, EngineIncludeOrderVersion
LogPlayLevel: ERROR: c:\Users\IIW\Documents\Unreal Projects\my-place-with-jesus-game-app\Game\Intermediate\Source\MyPlaceWithJesusClient.Target.cs(7,3) : error CS0103: The name 'DefaultBuildSettings' does not exist in the current context
LogPlayLevel: ERROR: c:\Users\IIW\Documents\Unreal Projects\my-place-with-jesus-game-app\Game\Intermediate\Source\MyPlaceWithJesusClient.Target.cs(7,26) : error CS0103: The name 'BuildSettingsVersion' does not exist in the current context
LogPlayLevel: ERROR: c:\Users\IIW\Documents\Unreal Projects\my-place-with-jesus-game-app\Game\Intermediate\Source\MyPlaceWithJesusClient.Target.cs(8,3) : error CS0103: The name 'IncludeOrderVersion' does not exist in the current context
LogPlayLevel: ERROR: c:\Users\IIW\Documents\Unreal Projects\my-place-with-jesus-game-app\Game\Intermediate\Source\MyPlaceWithJesusClient.Target.cs(8,25) : error CS0103: The name 'EngineIncludeOrderVersion' does not exist in the current context
LogPlayLevel: ERROR: c:\Users\IIW\Documents\Unreal Projects\my-place-with-jesus-game-app\Game\Intermediate\Source\MyPlaceWithJesusEditor.Target.cs(7,3) : error CS0103: The name 'DefaultBuildSettings' does not exist in the current context
LogPlayLevel: ERROR: c:\Users\IIW\Documents\Unreal Projects\my-place-with-jesus-game-app\Game\Intermediate\Source\MyPlaceWithJesusEditor.Target.cs(7,26) : error CS0103: The name 'BuildSettingsVersion' does not exist in the current context
LogPlayLevel: ERROR: c:\Users\IIW\Documents\Unreal Projects\my-place-with-jesus-game-app\Game\Intermediate\Source\MyPlaceWithJesusEditor.Target.cs(8,3) : error CS0103: The name 'IncludeOrderVersion' does not exist in the current context
LogPlayLevel: ERROR: c:\Users\IIW\Documents\Unreal Projects\my-place-with-jesus-game-app\Game\Intermediate\Source\MyPlaceWithJesusEditor.Target.cs(8,25) : error CS0103: The name 'EngineIncludeOrderVersion' does not exist in the current context
LogPlayLevel: ERROR: c:\Users\IIW\Documents\Unreal Projects\my-place-with-jesus-game-app\Game\Intermediate\Source\MyPlaceWithJesusServer.Target.cs(7,3) : error CS0103: The name 'DefaultBuildSettings' does not exist in the current context
LogPlayLevel: ERROR: c:\Users\IIW\Documents\Unreal Projects\my-place-with-jesus-game-app\Game\Intermediate\Source\MyPlaceWithJesusServer.Target.cs(7,26) : error CS0103: The name 'BuildSettingsVersion' does not exist in the current context
LogPlayLevel: ERROR: c:\Users\IIW\Documents\Unreal Projects\my-place-with-jesus-game-app\Game\Intermediate\Source\MyPlaceWithJesusServer.Target.cs(8,3) : error CS0103: The name 'IncludeOrderVersion' does not exist in the current context
LogPlayLevel: ERROR: c:\Users\IIW\Documents\Unreal Projects\my-place-with-jesus-game-app\Game\Intermediate\Source\MyPlaceWithJesusServer.Target.cs(8,25) : error CS0103: The name 'EngineIncludeOrderVersion' does not exist in the current context
LogPlayLevel: ERROR: Unable to compile source files.
I have no idea what im doing so any help would be great