I have a pretty wicked problem which I think I need some dev help with.
I’ve built the editor preview 4.2 from github and have been using it for a few days without any troubles, though from the start I was getting the error shown in the pictures attached when I Debug from Visual Studio. It doesn’t seem to effect anything, but I thought it might be relevant. For a few days I could edit my project, save, open, close, save, open, close, play, etc.
What’s happened tonight is shortly after I finished painstakingly remaking a blueprints only project that in 4.1 suddenly refused to open (I reconstructed from screengrabs I made from a backup) and I got it working again. It compiled. It plays. Then I saved all and exited the editor, and opened up the editor freshly and I get an unannounced crash after clicking on my project to load in 4.2.
The log says CoreUObj has a problem, but I don’t know what to do about that … After that come a string of failures.
I didn’t move any assets around and all the content was assembled from scratch. There aren’t any old parts from the previous version of the project.
Here’s the start of the errors in the log:
ULinkerLoad::CreateExport() 0x2995673b + 14 bytes [File=t:\github\tomofnz\ue_4_2\unrealengine-4.2.0-preview\engine\source\runtime\coreuobject\private\uobject\linkerload.cpp:3188] [in T:\GitHub\tomofnz\UE_4_2\UnrealEngine-4.2.0-preview\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-CoreUObj
[2014.06.02-10.32.08:292][ 0]LogWindows:Error: Windows GetLastError: The specified module could not be found. (126)
[2014.06.02-10.32.08:627][ 0]LogWindows: === Critical error: ===
Unhandled Exception: 0x00000001
My log is at [https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9344219/BP_Flying.rar][1]
I have a LaunchMap.umap set as my starting map, which is just a little bit adjusted from the shipping Minimal map.
I set it to be the default in the project setting, and tried restarting the editor. This did not cause a trouble, but maybe I can force 4.2 to open a different map on launch to see if the blueprints I’ve made open up, but I don’t know how.
Added point:
If I start a new Test project in 4.2 (blank) and drop my CustomContent folder which contains all the project’s stuff in to the new project’s content, that loads just fine, then when I assign my GameMode in World settings, it causes an instant crash.
Added point:
I have a ton of backup files that are suffixed with dates. Is it possible to revert to a set of those?