I copy UE4 source code’s Script/ScriptPlugin and Modify it name ( Just modify name, to let it work with example ) add lua source code and place into my game project Plugins directory.
But when I try to compile, it show this message, and I cannot find any way to resolve it.
I try to comment this line, and it compile success, but file size only 418kb and most less than example’s 6MB.
I alos try to add some lua script, but not work.
I am using MacOSX 10.9 to test it, I hope it work on Windows and MacOSX.
About this problem, is config wrong or just generate failed?
Hi elct9620,
If you want to create your custom version of the ScriptPlugin, you need to copy 3 plugins:
You also need to make sure you have your new ScriptGeneratorPlugin listed in UnrealHeaderTool’s DefaultConfig.ini and modify the ScriptGeneratorPlugin’s GetGeneratedCodeModuleName function to return the name of your new ScriptPlugin (the runtime one).
I try to add “Programs/UnrealHeaderTool/Config/DefaultEngine.ini” in to my game project and compile it, but still not work for me.
(I already add all necessary plugins, but ScriptGeneratorPlugin seems not compile, but I didn’t know how to compile it)
So I am also getting this compile error. I’m not trying create a custom version of the plugin, just trying to compile vanilla source. I’ve grabbed the 4.4 Release from Epic’s Perforce and tried to compile it. I’m compiling as Development Editor, Win64 on the UE4 solution running in VS 2013.
When compiling, I fail with “GeneratedScriptLibraries.inl” not found. If I comment out that line, the plugin compiles. How and where does the .inl get generated?
Hi, it gets generated by Unreal header tool when it’s generating reflection data for all classes. UHT uses ScriptGeneratorPlugin to do it, so you could try looking at Engine/Programs/UnrealHeaderTool/Saved/Logs to see if there’s something in the log that would suggest something had gone wrong.
Hi, i also have this error, i use ue4 source code to build it . How do you solve it?