Compile failed error

Hi. When I try to open a unreal engine project with C++ in engine 5.2.1 it’s giving me compile failed error. At the bottom it also says license is not activated. How can I solve this problem ?

Can you show a screenshot of the error. Are you sure it’s related to unreal and not your IDE?

Could it be that your IDE’s trial time has ended and it will not compile anymore.

Those are the error panel. It’s says license is not activated and after I close this it’s says “This project file is already exists”

I’m guessing its an upgraded project. The compiler is complaining about build order. If i remember correctly it can be changed in the target files. I’ll check later when I’m at my pc.

If you are using the full version of vs2022 and not the community one the I suggest you contact microsoft regarding your license.

IncludeOrderVersion = EngineIncludeOrderVersion.Unreal5_4; // <= pick whichever version you are targeting
DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V5;

Here is a usage example inside of a target file

That’s the weird part. I am using community license in vs and unreal. Also I created the project new. There weren’t any other project before.

Are you logged into your account while running vs? You should have your initials in the top right corner of the window next to minimize

Yes I am logged in

I also tried to redownloading both unreal and vs

I also can’t open C++ class in a project. For example I opened an blueprint file and then I tried to add C++ class. It’s just crashed.

Perhaps this thread has a common cause to your problem?

Maybe a reinstall might not be needed.

I tried that too. Didn’t work

If I reboot my pc does that solve my problem ?

Try this (from the microsoft forum):

This seems to be a VS specific problem and not exactly an unreal one.

You can try the include order fix in the target file for your engine version once the license problem is solved.

I changed it to embedded web browser but I couldn’t find “the check for an updated license” .Where is it ?

it seems to be in the account summary (account settings)

I have this in it’s place on the right hand side of the settings

Mine is just like yours. I switched the settings but it still has the same error

Btw I also tried to run it in another IDE such as Jetbrains rider and it still gives me the same error. The only difference is instead of saying “open in visual studio” it says “open in rider”

On this thread an engine contributor mentions to uninstall Incredibuild to fix the licensing error.

Seeing as you are getting the same message in rider and VS then it must be Unreal that is sending it and not the IDE’s

Yes. How do I solve it ?

In vs it seems to be in extensions