Compile error with latest 4.4 branch from github

I did a fresh build from latest 4.4 branch and got these errors.

error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libovr64.lib'  
error : Failed to produce item: ~\UnrealEngine\Engine\Plugins\OculusRift\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-OculusRift-Win64-Debug.dll 
error MSB3073: command "..\..\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat UE4Editor Win64 Debug" exited with code -1. 

I tracked it down to a change in . It expects libovr64.lib file to be in LibOVR_04. I reverted this commit and was able to compile. I tried moving libovr64.lib file included in required dependencies to right place, but it is probably wrong version as I had build errors with that as well.

Hey kabeone,

I tried this with latest 4.4 on GitHub and got same error. There were some changes made yesterday and we believe dependencies may not have been updated yet. While we work on fixing this, you can get 4.4 here, which does not include changes made:

I will let you know when we see latest 4.4 working. Thanks for report. Hope this helps!

I had same problem. It appears to be that ..\Thirdparty\Oculus\LibOVR_04\Lib is not included in pre-req files.

You can get a from Oculus website that has necessary files: OK | Oculus.

Thanks for link! I did realize I was missing a prereq but I wasn’t sure where to get right Oculus lib.

Ditto. Worked for me too.

This worked for me as well. Thanks for info!

With master as of September 2nd, 2014 LibOVR_04/Lib has been moved again. If you copy Lib folder over to:


Then master will link.

  • 4.4.1 version was here: UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\Oculus\LibOVR_04\Lib
  • I think 4.4.0 version was here: UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\Oculus\LibOVR\Lib

I took this folder:

And pasted it into this folder:

Selected UE4 and “Build” and it worked.