Compile error when tryin to package

Hi! I copied my project files (the entire folder) to my laptop where I mainly want them to be. I opened up the project wtith 4.11.2 and everyhting went okay. I didnt even have to fix VS 2015 to get it to build and run completely fine. But whenever I tried to compile C++ code (in the editor) or want to package my project I get unknown errors in my output log (in the editor). I closed the project and Unreal to check out what could’ve happened.

After the first try to package the project I wanted to open up the project again but without success. Suddenly, I got the error “Could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually”. Guess what? I cant build it manually either, I get lost of errors including “cant make windows.makefile”, cant find “Projectname.dll”, and “no such path exists”. WTF is going on? I tried installing VS 2015 Community, but it didnt solve a single thing. Im starting to hate Unreal. How do I solve this? I dont understand anything.


It sounds like all the paths are messed up to me. I would give this a shot if you can.

Just blow away what you copied over previously
Recopy everything over.
Bring up Unreal, and then click on File (when looking at the level in the editor)
Click on Refresh Visual Studio Project

I’m thinking that if the paths are all messed up, this should give you a decent shot at having that fixed automagically.

Then start up VS2015, and do a full Rebuild, forcing all the binaries, intermediates, etc to be deleted, and everything rebuilt.


Well, I’m not going to say that UE4 is perfect by any stretch!

But in this instance, when copying over a project, etc. There will be a lot of paths, that are set up, that have a very good chance at not being correct. Unless, the exact same path structure exists on both machines. Even just changing the partition, would lead to this.


Well I tried to open up the backup on my USB and now the compile button is gone and I cant open C++ files from the uproject. Oh my god I never had these problems on my first computer.

Also the only backup I have is this one, since my first computer broke down.

There is a LOT(!) of blueprint bugss which are ridicolous, at least from my experience.

Well I tried to open up the project backup on my USB and now the compile button is gone and I cant open C++ files from the uproject. Oh my god I never had these problems on my first computer.

Also the only backup I have is this one, since my first computer broke down.

I mean cmon what is this error:
Warning 1 The element ‘PropertyGroup’ in namespace ‘’ has invalid child element ‘TargetPath’ in namespace ‘’. List of possible elements expected: 'Property, AllowUnsafeBlocks, AppConfigForCompiler, ApplicationIcon, ApplicationRevision, ApplicationVersion, AppDesignerFolder, AspNetConfiguration, AssemblyKeyContainerName, AssemblyKeyProviderName, AssemblyName, AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile, AssemblyOriginatorKeyFileType, AssemblyOriginatorKeyMode, AssemblyType, AutoGenerateBindingRedirects, AutorunEnabled, BaseAddress, BootstrapperComponentsLocation, BootstrapperComponentsUrl, BootstrapperEnabled, CharacterSet, CheckForOverflowUnderflow, CLRSupport, UseDebugLibraries, CodePage, Configuration, ConfigurationName, ConfigurationOverrideFile, CreateDesktopShortcut, CreateWebPageOnPublish, CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents, DebugSecurityZoneURL, DebugSymbols, DebugType, DefaultClientScript, DefaultHTMLPageLayout, DefaultTargetSchema, DefineConstants, DefineDebug, DefineTrace, DelaySign, DisableLangXtns, DisallowUrlActivation, CodeAnalysisAdditionalOptions, CodeAnalysisApplyLogFileXsl, CodeAnalysisConsoleXsl, CodeAnalysisCulture, CodeAnalysisFailOnMissingRule… C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 22 7 Miscellaneous Files

Error 6 error LNK1181: cannot open input file ‘ws2_32.lib’ F:\Spark\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\LINK Spark
Error 7 error : Failed to produce item: F:\Spark\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-Spark.dll F:\Spark\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\ERROR Spark
Error 8 error MSB3075: The command ““D:\Program\Epic Games\4.11\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Rebuild.bat” SparkEditor Win64 Development “F:\Spark\Spark.uproject” -waitmutex” exited with code 5. Please verify that you have sufficient rights to run this command. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 43 5 Spark

Well I could try that. Unreal really is ridicously buggy…

Well I could try that. Unreal really is ridicously buggy…

Everything I write dissapears. Even this forums are buggy as hell…

I am using vs 2013 but I tried community 2015 and its the same problems

Everything I write dissapears. Even this forums are buggy as hell…

I am using vs 2013 but I tried community 2015 and its the same problems

hmmmmmm, the link for the schemas is gone, and this is all coming out of the MSFT compiler. What version of Visual Studio are you using?

When you click on File, on the toolbar, do you have the option, to Refresh Visual Studio project?

Nope I dont…

also write as a normal answer comments dissapears sometimes…

also write as a normal answer comments dissapears sometimes…


  • Are you able to package a clean project?
  • Are you able to build a clean project in Visual Studio?
  • Could you please provide the full output log after your packaging fails again?

Thank you.


I am marking this topic as resolved for tracking purposes, as we have not heard from you in a few days. If this issue persists, feel free to respond to this thread. For any new issues, please create a new Answerhub topic.

Have a great day