Hello, every time I modify anything in my player class, another class requires a recompiling because of an error, just wondering if it might be a bug. Just to be clear, everything here is blueprint stuff.
Although my player class has some references to said class requiring a recompile, I can’t understand why I would need to do it every time.
I have a base parent class named “BaseActor” and everytime I modify stuff (be it big or just a print function) in my player class (which is not a child of “BaseActor”), every actor that is a child of “BaseActor” basically says "This is not a base class of “TRASHCLASS_BaseActor_12873"” and loses the references to its parent functions (example : Parent:Die) and the “BaseActor” class requires a recompile. Is there a legitimate reason this would be happening or is this a bug ?
I couldn’t reproduce it… I generally tried to make up classes with some similar functions to what I was doing but couldn’t get the issue to show up. My classes have dozens of functions and variables so it’s hard to pinpoint the problem and reproduce it.
What kind of screenshots do you want ? Because, like I said, I have dozens of functions and variables in all the classes involved with the problem.
Could this be a problem with compile order ? Since I have to recompile a parent class for an error to stop showing up in its children. Is there a way to change compile order manually ?
Would it be possible for you to submit your project or a simplified version of it that reproduces the error so that I could take a closer look at the issue?
Sure, I put it up on Google Drive, I removed a bunch of stuff like textures and materials so that the size is a bit smaller (still pretty huge though).
A quick way to create the compile error is to create or remove a node link in the FirstPersonCharacter blueprint, located in the Custom folder.
Tell me whenever it’s downloaded (or not) so I can either remove it or find another way to upload it.
I have the feeling this could be related to a lot of crashes I’ve been getting while modifying my FirstPersonCharacter class. I’m going to redo it entirely but in the meantime, if you manage to discover anything weird in my project, tell me !
I was unable to reproduce this issue in a clean project. I did however find a workaround for you that may be viable depending on your needs. I was able to prevent the error by going through all blueprints that referenced the base actor (These can be found by right clicking the base actor blueprint and using the reference viewer). Once I found them I unhooked the call to the parent’s construction script. The Base Actors construction script is currently empty so this should not effect the function of your current setup.
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
Well… your fix of unlinking the construction scripts in all children kinda worked for a while but I still get a compile error on one of my blueprint classes whenever I modify the FirstPersonCharacter class. I don’t have any more info though, sorry