Compile error going from 5.4 to 5.5

Hi all,

Getting this error when trying to compile for 5.5

1>E:\Unreal\Engine\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Public\Templates\Casts.h(126): error C2338: static_assert failed: ‘Attempting to use Cast<> on a type that is not a UObject or an Interface’
1>E:\Unreal\Engine\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Public\Templates\Casts.h(126): note: the template instantiation context (the oldest one first) is
1>E:\Unreal\RPG_5.4\Plugins\CISQLite3\Source\CISQLite3\Private\SQLiteDatabase.cpp(840): note: see reference to function template instantiation ‘To *Cast<FInt64Property,FProperty>(From *)’ being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> To=FInt64Property,
1> From=FProperty
1> ]

the line in question is :

if ((int64prop = Cast(targetProperty)) != NULL)

and the function in total is :

void USQLiteDatabase::AssignResultsToObjectProperties(const SQLiteResultValue& ResultValue, UObject* ObjectToPopulate)
auto propertyMap = CollectProperties(ObjectToPopulate);
for (SQLiteResultField field : ResultValue.Fields)
if (propertyMap.Contains(field.Name))
FProperty* targetProperty = propertyMap[field.Name];

		if (field.Type == SQLiteResultValueTypes::Integer)
			FInt64Property* int64prop = NULL;
			FIntProperty* int32prop = NULL;
			FInt16Property* int16prop = NULL;
			FInt8Property* int8prop = NULL;
			FBoolProperty* boolProp = NULL;

			if ((int64prop = Cast<FInt64Property>(targetProperty)) != NULL)
				int64prop->SetPropertyValue_InContainer(ObjectToPopulate, field.IntValue);
				LOGSQLITE(Verbose, *FString::Printf(TEXT("Property '%s' was set to '%d'"), *field.Name, field.IntValue));
			else if ((int32prop = Cast<FIntProperty>(targetProperty)) != NULL)
				int32prop->SetPropertyValue_InContainer(ObjectToPopulate, (int32)field.IntValue);
				LOGSQLITE(Verbose, *FString::Printf(TEXT("Property '%s' was set to '%d'"), *field.Name, field.IntValue));
			else if ((int16prop = Cast<FInt16Property>(targetProperty)) != NULL)
				int16prop->SetPropertyValue_InContainer(ObjectToPopulate, (int16)field.IntValue);
				LOGSQLITE(Verbose, *FString::Printf(TEXT("Property '%s' was set to '%d'"), *field.Name, field.IntValue));
			else if ((int8prop = Cast<FInt8Property>(targetProperty)) != NULL)
				int8prop->SetPropertyValue_InContainer(ObjectToPopulate, (int8)field.IntValue);
				LOGSQLITE(Verbose, *FString::Printf(TEXT("Property '%s' was set to '%d'"), *field.Name, field.IntValue));
			else if ((boolProp = Cast<FBoolProperty>(targetProperty)) != NULL)
				boolProp->SetPropertyValue_InContainer(ObjectToPopulate, field.IntValue > 0);
				LOGSQLITE(Verbose, *FString::Printf(TEXT("Property '%s' was set to '%d'"), *field.Name, field.IntValue));

		else if (field.Type == SQLiteResultValueTypes::Float)
			FDoubleProperty* doubleProp = NULL;
			FFloatProperty* floatProp = NULL;
			if ((doubleProp = Cast<FDoubleProperty>(targetProperty)) != NULL)
				doubleProp->SetPropertyValue_InContainer(ObjectToPopulate, field.DoubleValue);
				LOGSQLITE(Verbose, *FString::Printf(TEXT("Property '%s' was set to '%f'"), *field.Name, field.DoubleValue));
			else if ((floatProp = Cast<FFloatProperty>(targetProperty)) != NULL)
				floatProp->SetPropertyValue_InContainer(ObjectToPopulate, (float)field.DoubleValue);
				LOGSQLITE(Verbose, *FString::Printf(TEXT("Property '%s' was set to '%f'"), *field.Name, field.DoubleValue));

		else if (field.Type == SQLiteResultValueTypes::Text)
			FStrProperty* strProp = NULL;
			if ((strProp = Cast<FStrProperty>(targetProperty)) != NULL)
				strProp->SetPropertyValue_InContainer(ObjectToPopulate, field.StringValue);
				LOGSQLITE(Verbose, *FString::Printf(TEXT("Property '%s' was set to '%s'"), *field.Name, *field.StringValue.Mid(0, 64)));



Any help please :slight_smile:

As it stated in the error, you cannot use Cast<> if type is not derived from UObject or an Interface
“Attempting to use Cast<> on a type that is not a UObject or an Interface”

You can use CastField<> instead of Cast<> if you want to cast from FProperty to FInt64Property.

I tried like this and there is no compile error:

FProperty* targetProperty = NULL;
FInt64Property* int64prop = NULL;
int64prop = CastField<FInt64Property>(targetProperty);

Also I suggest you to follow Unreal’s official coding standards to have more readable code. With this way, everyone understand your code easily since everyone get used to this style around here :slight_smile:
You can find the documentation Unreal Coding Standard

Have a good day!

Thankyou, this fixed the problem :slight_smile:

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