Compile C++ Without IDE

I congratulate you on your fine option, get rid of it !!!
Get a lite text editor, I use notepad ++ , has c++ key bindings and unreal key bindings, to automate sintax and make it easy when you type, auto fill in.

You press on the editor and it pops up in one second with the pages you left on the last time, pop in one second, save one second, close editor one second, switching between cpp pages tab one second. No hard drive herd, no lag, no “the page is stuck” or " it’s ruining my day it’s delaying it".

Mmmm no compile button inside the editor, no problem the unreal editor has one inside, hit the save button in the text editor alt tab hit compile inside the unreal editor. So you just go to the source files inside project and open what ever you want inside the text editor.

But before doing this you need the msbuild tools, with a bootstraper, make a cache on the drive , install from there from the command prompt .

Review this thread.

If you want your data collected by intelisense with visual studio and shipped to microsoft, or to ruin your day with this heavy IDE then use Visual Studio IDE.

Notice Microsoft makes you log in like a slave once a month to use the community edition for free. That is not free. Free is giving something then saying here you go, use it, you don’t have to do anything.