Compilation error while assigning 3rd person control to my metahuman

While trying to assign 3rd person control to my metahuman in the viewport (of metahuman), I am getting an error after clicking on Compile.
Compiler Error - “[Compiler] This blueprint (self) is not a SceneComponent, therefore ’ Target ’ must have a connection.”

Pls guide.

Hey @Warrior_Nature! Welcome to the forums!

So can you drag in the Mesh (CharacterMesh0) and use that as your target?

If that doesn’t work can you post the entire code for the “Set Update Animation in Editor”?

Let us know if that works, and if not we look forward to fixing this with you!

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Yes it actually worked. :blush:
Thank you so so much.
Thanks for being to the point. This was exactly what I needed.
Was looking continuously for the solution and finally it got resolved, again thanks!

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Absolutely, @Warrior_Nature! Always happy to help!

And if you have any more issues, don’t be afraid to post them! We’re here to help and we love what we do! :slight_smile:

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