Compatible MacBook Pro or iMac ?


I own a PC with a Radeon FirePro W4170M, so no CUDA available. CR doesn’t want to render anything then.

I intended to buy a Mac. Does MacBook Pro or iMac can run CR properly? Their graphic cards are not Nvidia anymore but Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640 or Radeon Pro 555 / 560

Thank you.

The system requirements state that a CUDA capable graphics card is required.

So if your system does not have such a card (nvidia) then RC will very likely not work on it.

RealityCapture runs on x64bit machines with at least 8GB of RAM,
64bit Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10, graphics card with nVidia Cuda 2.0+ GPU and at least 1GB RAM.

Took 2 clicks…   :wink:

I’ve read this but it is so surprising not to have Mac compatibility. Other photogrammetry softwares cheaper than this one are.
Too bad.

Thanks anyway for your replies!

There’s a feature request somewhere where the Devs say it’s on the list (which is quite long I think).

I guess they don’t care about the Creative Markets working with macOS. Many Photographers and Drone Pilots shooting for 3D Models use Macs. I wish you’d add them to your list of customers.  Kinda sad and shocked you dismiss them.

So, is it only nVidia, not Radeon that has CUDA capabilities? That could be why.

I guess I’ll delete it from my downloads folder then…

me too, deleted, shame no apple support. big market for apple users.