Compare the Soft Reference and Hard Reference in the operation

Hi guys,
I have questions about soft reference, and I want to get your help. I now know that compared with the hard reference, soft variables are not always stored in memory. But I don’t find any difference between soft reference and hard reference in practicing. Just replace the original hard reference with a soft reference and add a resolve node is enough?
I want to know whether the places where I used hard reference can just be replaced with soft reference. Or soft reference can only be used under specific circumstances. It would be best if anyone could give a specific case to compare hard reference with soft reference.
I have read the guide written by Morva Kristóf, but I completely lost it. (In his BP_weapon and BP_Sword case, it seems that he just replaced hard reference node with soft reference node and added a resolve node that’s all)


Resolve only works if the actor is already loaded in memory. If it’s not, then you’d need to explicitly load it before you could use it.

The topic in general has been up a few times, hopefully the links in this thread will be usefull :slight_smile: