I have been playing around with UE4 as a hobbyist for a while now. However I am nearing completion on something that I think I might like to sell on the marketplace. If it were to start pulling in any appreciable amount of money, I also plan to build off of that with more products and, eventually, a full fledged game.
My question now, however, is around business formation. I don’t need any help with actually starting the business; I have an accountant for that to help me form an LLC in accordance with my local, state and country laws.
No, my question centers around the process of business formation as it relates to my UE4 license, content developed with that license, and content placed on the market place.
My most pressing questions, in order of urgency are:
- If I have a personal license, do I need to transfer that license to my company when I form it, or start a new license?
- Can I transfer the content I am currently working on with my personal license to the company license?
- If I start selling the content on the marketplace FIRST and then form the company, can I transfer ownership of the content to the company? How?
- If I start the company, assuming the answer to #2 is yes, of course, and THEN start selling the content on the marketplace, how do I transfer the content to the company’s UE4 development environment (I assume if I log into my local launcher with a new account I won’t be able to load the content I developed with the older account?)
I am sure I’ll have more questions going forward, and the answers to these questions may entail yet further questions. Also, if there are things you know I should be thinking about given the above and haven’t asked, feel free to answer the unasked question!